Why Do So Many Businesses Still Use Print Advertising?


Print advertising has been the mainstay of direct marketing since the 1870s and, despite the growth of digital platforms during the last two decades, continues to be a popular and effective choice for businesses seeking to attract new customers. Despite the popularity of email and social media in the digital age, print advertising still has a prominent place in marketing, increasing brand awareness and generating a reliable return on investment. In other words, print advertising works.

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Why Personalised Envelopes Are Important For Marketing

Direct mail is an important asset in your business’s marketing toolbox, an effective way of engaging with those prospects who offer the greatest opportunity to secure new sales. Printed, branded envelopes can add even more weight to your postal campaign, increasing the chance of making an impact on the recipient and forging a positive relationship between them and your brand.

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All The Pros Of Direct Mail Marketing

If you’re considering a direct mail marketing campaign to give your brand increased visibility and presence, you may be hesitant if you’re not certain the investment will yield positive results. In the era of digital marketing, there may be an understandable tendency to lean towards other channels, such as email, social media, or pay-per-click advertising.

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How To Generate More Leads Using Direct Mail


Direct mail continues to be a highly effective and cost-efficient marketing tool for many businesses. Even if you’ve switched predominantly to online channels, it’s worth considering how direct mail can strengthen your position by bringing in a steady stream of qualified marketing leads.

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5 Tips For Designing A Winning Direct Mail Envelope

5 Tips For Designing A Winning Direct Mail Envelope

Direct mail is one of the most effective tools for attracting new customers to your business. By directly targeting customers and prospects by post you can dictate how and when your brand gets noticed – one of the key reasons why direct mail can be more effective than email in some circumstances.

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3 Business Mail Ideas To Get You More Conversions

3 Business Mail Ideas To Get You More Conversions

Before we became adults, we looked forward to the postman arriving. Receiving a letter or postcard, personally addressed, is a big deal for most children but as we reach adulthood, the post tends to become dominated by bills, adverts, and bank statements. For promotional business mail to be effective, it needs to summon the same sense of excitement and curiosity that we used to experience as children to provoke a response. If it doesn’t, then the mailshot will end up in the bin and you’ll hear nothing from your target customers. So, to get a head start with your direct mail marketing, why not consider these innovative ideas to help your brand to stand out from the crowd?

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What Are The Benefits Of Tangible Marketing?

What Are The Benefits Of Tangible Marketing?

The term marketing has become almost synonymous with digital marketing, a conglomerate of emails, blogs, social media posts and graphics that have one thing in common – they lack a physical, or tangible presence. This ignores the fact that physical marketing material still plays a significant role in driving sales and creating brand awareness. Tangible marketing, therefore, incorporates all physical marketing materials, including direct mail letters, posters, leaflets, retail display units, and product samples.

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How Has Covid-19 Affected Direct Mail Campaigns?

How Has Covid-19 Affected Direct Mail Campaigns?

The SARs-COV2 coronavirus has sunk its teeth into every sector of the world economy, and the business mail industry is no exception. However, the pandemic hasn’t spelt bad news for every sector, and the effect of Covid-19 on direct mail campaigns has been ambivalent. Some businesses have seen a massive drop in demand (formalwear mail order catalogues, anyone?), while others have seen an increase in direct mail responses compared to before the pandemic. Let’s take a look at how Covid-19 has changed the landscape for direct mail campaigns, in terms of both sender expectations and customer experience, and how brands can take advantage of these developments.

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Postal Direct Mail Vs Cold Email Marketing: Which Gets The Best Results?

Postal Direct Mail Vs Cold Email Marketing: Which Gets The Best Results?

Mass email is a straightforward way of communicating with potential customers but does it yield the results your business needs or are you better to invest in direct mail? With over 269 billion emails sent worldwide each day, it’s unsurprising that business and home users are swamped and that ‘cold’ or unsolicited emails have fallen out of favour with businesses. Office workers receive an average of 121 emails daily – the notorious ‘email soup’ – while home users may rarely even check their personal email address these days, preferring social media and messaging services.

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